Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
Nate Brook.
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About Me

About Me

About Me

About Me

Nate Brook

nate Brook

a young enthusiast of computer science and technology. He started at the age of 10 when he had his first computer at home. Since then, he has been learning and gradually began to create his own digital applications.

The Name
The name "Nate Brook" holds a significant place in his online persona, with its origins tracing back to his immersion in the world of GTAV roleplay. One day, he bestowed this distinctive moniker upon his virtual character, and ever since, it has served as his enduring pseudonym and internet alias.

I tend to have a diverse range of interests when it comes to my preferences, but there are certain passions that have consistently held a special place in my heart. These include astronomy, technology, automobiles, motorcycles, photography, and sports.

volkswagen Visual Studio Code
Stack Overflow
Google Cloud

My Services


As a web developer, I have over 2 years of experience in the field. During this time, I have successfully created numerous web applications, although the majority of them have been for personal and hobbyist purposes.


As a designer, I have a year of experience, which I consider foundational for crafting products that meet the specific needs of clients. Typically, I adopt an adaptive approach, allowing the design process to evolve organically based on the unique requirements of each project.


Regarding my other skills and capabilities, there's a wide array of things I can accomplish. However, when it comes to technology, I possess significant expertise in numerous applications as well as 3D design.

I really love coffee, and it's my way to stay calm while I code.

And even though I take my work very seriously, I also consider it something personal and something that brings me happiness. Programming has been what I've loved since I was very young, and it will always be one of the cornerstones of my life.